Lisa Anne Phelps C-IAYT, RYT500, RYPT, YACEP

After completing her Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hr training in 2001, Lisa continued her teaching throughout the years, becoming passionate about making Yoga accessible to every "body", to bridge the gap between yoga science and conventional medicine and to some day work alongside patients in a clinical environment. The first of 2020, Lisa completed her four year study in Yoga Therapy with the International Institute of Yoga Therapy "IIYT", and became a licensed Yoga Therapist with The International Association of Yoga Therapy "IAYT". This clinical training allowed her to work alongside medical practitioners, providing care to patients struggling with mental health issues, aging, cancer, cardiac & pulmonary health, mobility, disabilities, pain management, pelvic health, palliative and hospice care.

These thousand of hours of experience allow her to be able to sense and pinpoint the best method of person-centered care with a heart-forward approach.

Lisa's interests today include applications of Yoga Therapy for pain management, oncology, postpartum, pelvic health, palliative care, end of life stewardship and yoga therapy research. Along with including a faithful therapy dog as her assistant.  

"I aim to make Yoga Therapy more accessible and to increase the awareness of the use of Yoga Therapy as a non pharmaceutical modality to ones over all well-being.” 


What is Yoga Therapy?

What is ‘regular’ yoga?

• Commonly situated in a studio-type environment regular yoga offers varying styles of movement-based yoga classes to the public, referred to as students or clients.

• Depending on the curriculum of a regular (200 hours) yoga teacher training program, a yoga teacher might or might not have basic training or experience in common disorders or pre- existing physical conditions relative to any student attending a yoga class at any given time.

• Representative organization: Yoga Alliance (YA)

What is yoga therapy?

• Yoga therapy is a part of the system of integrative healing modalities that can help patients self-activate well-being through effective and adaptive breathing, meditation and, only when appropriate, physical movements. Yoga therapy is not an alternative to traditional treatments. Rather it should accompany long-standing methods providing the patient with another potential tool to benefit their overall health.

Certification in yoga therapy follows over 1000 hours of advanced training, clinical experience and exposure to research and adheres to an academically based curriculum model.

• As a lifestyle component yoga therapy techniques serve people who wish to be involved in their own healing process and oversee aspects of their own health and wellness.

• Generally working within a clinical environment, the IAYT yoga therapist meets with inpatients and outpatients on a one-to-one or small group symptom or disease specific basis.

• Representative organization: International Association of Yoga Therapists (IAYT)

Want to know more about Yoga Therapy? Visit to find out more about how yoga therapy can help you.

Intersection of the Body and Mind: Free Workshop Series

Thursdays at 5:30

May 23rd: Stress and Anxiety
June 6th: Chronic Pain

June 13th: Athletes and Injury
June 20th: Stress and Anxiety

The mind influences the body and the body influences the mind. In this FREE 1-hour workshop series we will discuss how the mind and body work together to promote a total sense of wellness. When the body is out of sync with the mind, and vice versa, we cannot be in good health. Dr. Kelley Penrose,DPT and Lisa Phelps, C-IYAT will teach you about the benefits of working on both body and mind through Physical Therapy and Yoga Therapy. We will tackle topics of managing stress and anxiety, chronic pain, and return to sport after injury and creating balance as an athlete. Attend the class(es) that best describes your situation and fits your needs.

Cancer Support

Yoga Therapy

Virtual Class offered

Tuesday @12:30

Thursday @3:30

This class is designed for those who are finishing or have finished their cancer treatments and are looking to connect, not only to the body but to a community of support. Cancer wreaks havoc on the body and the treatments aren’t easy. Many survivors deal with continued pain, weakness, fatigue, and a lack of being able to connect to their body because of physical and mental blocks. Yoga therapy is the perfect way for you to restore your body, reconnect to the breath, and reduce pain and fatigue in a supportive environment of people who have survived and are ready to move forward and leave cancer in the dust! Register for this restorative class.

Class Pricing: $35

Interested in private yoga therapy sessions?

For those that wish to connect at a more personal level, desire more privacy, have other diagnoses that do not fit into the current group class offerings, or cannot attend at the regular class time, Lisa is offering private yoga therapy sessions. Sessions are 45min-1hour, at a cost of $75/session.