Physical Therapy Appointments

Physical Therapy includes treatment of back and neck pain, as well as shoulder, hip, knee, and other joint pain.  In addition we treat chronic pain and pelvic health concerns. We treat people of all ages.  Common diagnoses we can treat are listed here.  If you have any questions regarding your specific problem, please don’t hesitate to contact us!

Wellness Appointments

Designed for healthy clients, this appointment type provides the information to help you set and reach your health and fitness goals. Goals may be for weight loss, improving flexibility, improving posture, increasing strength, reducing risk of injury, or improving balance. A tailored program is designed to help you achieve the changes you want!


Yoga Therapy

Yoga therapy is a part of the system of integrative healing modalities that can help patients self-activate well-being through effective and adaptive breathing, meditation and, only when appropriate, physical movements. Yoga therapy is not an alternative to traditional treatments. Rather it should accompany long-standing methods providing the patient with another potential tool to benefit their overall health.

Fitness Class Appointments

We offer classes designed for all levels, from beginner to advanced practitioners of yoga, and our small class sizes offer you individualized instruction and modifications for your level. 


We offer periodic workshops for the community for infant massage, back and neck pain, and running. Check here for upcoming workshops and to register. Please feel free to suggest workshop topics as well!